Published by Parker Malatesta of KPCW.

new study shows a portion of Park City-owned open space called Clark Ranch could provide space for more than 200 affordable housing units.

The 344 acres known as Clark Ranch is located just south of the Park City Heights neighborhood near U.S. 40.

Park City bought the property in 2014, and identified it as a potential spot for affordable housing in 2018. The land was part of a 1,200-acre annexation the city approved in 2022. It’s zoned as recreation open space.

Park City Housing Manager Browne Sebright and architect Jarrett Moe with consultant Stereotomic presented the results of a study looking at the housing possibilities on Clark Ranch to the city council Thursday.

The site has slopes ranging between 11% and 70%. The study says most of the property should remain open space for that reason.

However, Sebright said a 15-acre portion of Clark Ranch closest to Park City Heights could be used for housing.

“The study found that development on the site is feasible,” he said. “A development somewhere between 90 and 200-odd units would be possible on that northwestern-most corner.”

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